Troubleshooting the Exploit Database Connector

In the event that a user runs into problems while using the Exploit Database connector, there are a few steps that can be taken. The below steps should help resolve most common errors that the user will encounter.

To troubleshoot most common issues:

  1. Ensure that the connector is authenticated.

  2. Confirm that there are no errors or exceptions in the connector's log.

  3. Confirm that the RiskVision server did not report any connector errors. In the event of an error, resolve them by providing proper configuration details.

  4. In the event of a decryption error, verify that the connectors are using the latest JCE file and the latest exploit.encryption.secret.key.

If problems persist:

  1. Stop the connector. 

  2. Delete all files from the <Connector_Home>\data\old folder.

  3. Start the connector and provide a couple of heartbeat cycles to see if hierarchies start showing up in the connector log as well as in RiskVision itself.

If all of the above steps fail, contact Resolver Support.