Editing A Policy

  • Depending on the extent to which you need to edit a policy, you can use any of the following options:

    • New Section. Creates a new section based on the settings defined in a template.
    • Reorder Sections. Allows reordering of custom sections in a policy. Drag and drop a section on to the top or bottom of another section to change the order.
    • Edit. Allows changing the title of a section and subsection, and when the Edit link is clicked in the area below the section or subsection, a rich-text editor is displayed so that content can be entered. For more information, see Using Rich-text Editor.
    • Add Comment. Allows adding the comment in a section and subsection to help you explain the reason behind for making a change.
    • Changes. View changes, such as comments entered and other changes in the sections and subsections by the stakeholders.
    • New Subsection. Creates a new subsection in a section based on the settings defined in a template. This option appears only in the custom created section.
    • Delete. Allows deleting of a section and subsection. This option appears only in a custom created section and subsection.
  • After you finish editing the policy, click Done in the upper right corner of the policy.