Editing a Chart

Depending on your privileges, you may edit or delete particular chart definitions. Editing and deleting a chart requires you to have the Dashboards and Reports View and Dashboards and Report Author permissions.

To edit a chart definition:

  1. On the Analytics menu, click R6 Charts.
  2. Locate the chart group containing the desired chart in the tree on the left. Click the chart group to display the charts that the group contains. Locate the desired chart in the list on the right, and check the box associated with the chart.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Click on the tabs along the top — General Configuration, Chart Type, Column Selection, Configure Filters, Advanced Settings — to go directly to the page to edit. Click Next and Previous to edit multiple pages.
  5. Click Finish when the edits are complete.

To delete a chart definition:

  1. On the Analytics menu, click R6 Charts.
  2. Locate the chart group containing the desired chart in the tree on the left. Click the chart group to display the charts. Locate the desired chart in the list on the right and check the box associated with the chart.
  3. Click Delete.