Restore the RiskVision Report Server

When the Daily Server and Database Hot Backup job is run, the RiskVision Report Server backup is created in the %AGILIANCE_HOME%\backup directory.

To restore the RiskVision Report Server:

  1. Extract the file, then save it in a temporary folder on the system in which the JasperReports Server is installed.
  2. Open command prompt and change the directory to the location given in the following command:
    cd %JASPER_HOME%\Postgresql\bin
  3. Import the dump file using the following command:
    pg_restore -c -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d jasperserver -v %AGILIANCE_HOME%\backup\-YYYYMMDDhhmmss\jasperdump-YYYYMMDDhhmmss.sql

    Where -p and -v are optional parameters.

  4. Enter the default password foragiliance the PostgreSQL database. The back up is restored successfully.

If you have changed the password for Postgres database, then you need to set a value for database.jasper.admin.password.encrypted. Use that value as the password to unzip