Restore the RiskVision Database

To restore the database to a specific point in time: 

  1. Stop the RiskVision Tomcat service. 
  2. Go to the following back up directory:%AGILIANCE_HOME%\backup


  1. Extract all the files and directories from the backup file, including the database backup file - mysqldump- YYYYMMDDhhmmss.sql. Select the backup file with a timestamp YYYYMMDDhhmmss that is closest to the time that you want to restore.

  2. Open command prompt and change the directory to the location as given in the following command:
    > cd %AGILIANCE_HOME%\MySQL\bin
  3. Import the MySQL dump file with the following command:

    mysql –uroot –prootpassword--database <%AGILIANCE_HOME%\backup\-YYYYMMDDhhmmss\mysqldump-YYYYMMDDhhmmss.sql

    MySQL supports point-in-time recovery, which can be used to restore the database to a more specific point in time. However, this procedure is more complicated and must be performed only by an experienced MySQL DBA.

    If a table is not created after completing the backup, run the following commands to ensure a full and smooth backup:

    mysql –uroot –prootpassword
    drop database agiliance;
    create database agiliance;

    mysql –uroot –prootpassword  < mysqldump-YYYYMMDDhhmmss.sql

  4. If you have excluded tables from the normal back up process (see Ignoring Database Tables During Backup), run the following command:

    mysql –uroot –prootpassword < IgnoredTableName.sql

    Repeat this command for each ignored table specified in tableList for the IgnoredTableNames parameter in the agiliance.propertiesfile. The initial default configuration includes the agl_auditlog table in the list of settings.

  5. Execute the MySQL post installation scripts.

    Note: When importing a database dump file from one server to another, you may encounter errors due to definer attributes remaining from the previous server. The post installation scripts will resolve this issue. 

  6. After the complete restoration of the database, start the RiskVision Tomcat service.
The default password for the MySQL root user is agiliance. Refer to the procedures described in Property and Configuration File Settings for more information on changing default MySQL usernames and passwords.