Allow Stakeholders To Delegate

For each stage, except the terminal stage (closed), you can allow stakeholders to delegate their responsibility to another user or team. The delegate action adds the delegatee as a stakeholder and notifies them of their new task. The delegatee then acts as the original stakeholder.

To allow delegation:

  1. Open RiskVision Policy Manager. 
  2. Go to Configuration > Workflows
  3. Click the name of a workflow to open.  
  4. Click Edit
  5. Click a workflow stage to open. 
  6. Click the Allow Delegation checkbox. 
  7. Optional: Enter a name in Delegation Label to change the button name. 

  8. Click Save. New workflow instances will be created from the revised template.

The Delegate label displays in dropdowns, questionnaire taking windows, and other process related places.

Workflow instances that are already in progress are not changed.