Configure RiskVision Server to Use a Separate Machine for Running System Jobs

To allow a machine to run system jobs:

  1. Open your RiskVision server. 
  2. Run the following MySQL command from command prompt or MySQL shell. The username is agiliance and root and the default password is agiliance. Ignore this step if you're using an Oracle database.

> grant all on *.* to 'agiliance'@'<ip_address>' identified by 'agiliance' with grant option;
> grant all on *.* to 'root'@'<ip_address>' identified by '
agiliance' with grant option;
> flush privileges;

  1. Go to the following directory: %AGILIANCE_HOME%\Tomcat\webapps\spc\WEB-INF\classes and open the SchedulerConfiguration.xml file. You must specify the IP address in the <wsdlIP> attribute to point the machine to where the system job can be run.

<job name="Report Summary Builder" classs="
<description>Builds report summary.</description> <frequency>daily</frequency>

  1. Copy the SchedulerConfiguration.xml to the folder%AGILIANCE_HOME%/config.