Viewing Questionnaire Results Summary

You will need to understand the questionnaire results summary on the following occasions:

1. After successfully submitting the questionnaire.

2. The questionnaire is rejected or yet to be submitted.

On both occasions, the answers to the questionnaire can be traced. But, the scores can be viewed only in the results summary and when you are no longer an active stakeholder of that assessment.

To view the results summary of the questionnaires you submitted, go to Home > Submitted Questionnaires page, and click the questionnaire's title. The following graphic shows the results summary of a questionnaire for which you are no longer an active stakeholder.

Unlike the questionnaire-answered view, the questionnaire results summary allows you to glance over the details, such as answers, the stakeholder who answered the question or rejected the answer, risk report, and more. When a questionnaire you submitted is rejected by the stakeholder in the next stage, the question that was rejected and the stakeholder who rejected the answer can be known in the questionnaire results summary. And if you are not sure about any rejected answers, you can straightforwardly delegate a question to another stakeholder without requiring to use the questionnaire workspace.

To view the results summary of the questionnaire which is rejected or yet to be submitted, go to Home > Questionnaires, and select Results Summary in the Actions drop-down list. The following graphic shows the results summary of a questionnaire. 

Note: When the questionnaire you submitted is rejected, that particular questionnaire appears on the Questionnaires page as well as the Submitted Questionnaires page.

Evaluating an Entity Against Controls

Control questionnaires, such as Control Assessments, that measure an entity's level of compliance with standards and policies, present a series of questions with choices or text field that the questionnaire responder has been assigned to complete. Questionnaires can contain one or more questions, and the options available vary depending on the subcontrol as well as the questionnaire preferences.

The results of the questionnaire are used to determine whether or not the entity is compliant and calculate risk scores.

The following lists the possible questionnaire options:

To navigate the questionnaire window

  • When you have finished responding to a question, click Next or Previous to save your answer and display the next question.

As you proceed through the questionnaire, the progress bar shows the number of completed questions and the total number of questions in the questionnaire.

To exit the questionnaire window

  • When you have finished working on the questionnaire, click Done.

This closes the questionnaire without sending the assessment to the next stage.