Use the Location of the Images Folder

Do not use this feature if your reports or dashboards need to be archived. Dashboards and reprots that are archived to PDF will not render images from the <%AGILIANCE_HOME%\config\<folder_name> directory. Use JasperReports Server instead. 

You can copy custom images to the %AGILIANCE_HOME%\config\images directory to use this feature in the following scenarios:

  1. A report author can use the $DT.getCustomImageFromConfig Dashboard Toolbox API call in the HTML layout template of a dashboard to render the image.

    For example, you can use the following code in the report's HTML layout template to render the image.

    $DT.getCustomImageFromConfig("Logo.png", null, null, "From the config folder")

  2. An image embedded in any RiskVision object can be viewed by means of the following URL:

    https://<hostname or ip_address>/spc/appbuilder/CustomImage.jsp?id=<image_filename>

    Where <hostname> is the fully qualified domain hostname, <ip_address> is the IP address of RiskVision Server, and <image_filename> is the file name of the image.