Using the Fileconnector.metadata File

The fileconnector.metadata file provides additional, static information about the parsed data that is not available within the report files. GS: I didn't understand the below text so I copied it as is. Please let me know if anything needs to be corrected.

In all file based connectors to load the metadata properties, use java.util.Properties class. It will treat the backslash as (\) escape character. If you try entering the folder path as <\workshop>, it will render the path as <workshop>.

If you use double slash (\\) or forward slash (/), the property will not throw any exception. This will work only if the path is root.

Example for root drive:

If the root path is <workshop\\test.groovy>, then the path will be <CURRENT_WORKING_DIRECTORY>/workshop/test.groovy.

The condition above is not applicable if the path is other than root drive.

Example for drives other than the root drive:

If the path is <workshop\test.groovy>, then the path will be </workshop/test.groovy>.

The following metadata properties are available:

ScriptNameThis flag sets the script name for groovy based parser.
For example, ScriptName=NessusScript.groovy
ScriptFolderIntroduced since 3.x; this flag sets the path for scripting parser to look for groovy scripts.
For example, ScriptFolder=C:/server/cfg/scripts. 
If this flag is not set, the parser will look at the default location to get the scripts (NVD Connector/cfg).