Delegation and Delegation Revocation

The delegation option that is discussed in this section is available for the below objects:

  • Tickets
  • Findings
  • Incidents
  • Exception Requests
  • Controls
  • Policies

For Tickets, Findings,Incidents and Exception Requests, stakeholder for the workflow can view the delegated objects in the My Tickets Delegated To Others, My Findings Delegated to Others,My Incidents Delegated to Others and My Exceptions Delegated to Others column of their respective grids.

For Tickets,Findings,Incidents, and Exception Requests stakeholders can perform bulk delegation and delegation revocation from the More Actions drop-down list .


Any stakeholder of a stage that permits delegation can delegate to another user, the workflow designer can allow team Delegation at each stage. For example, the In Progress and Review stages may allow for delegation whereas the Approval stage might be designed not to allow delegation. The workflow designer can choose another label to describe delegation, such as "Delegated To" or "Transfer Authority" and can select an e-mail template used to notify the delegate.

Delegation Revocation

The original stakeholders shall be able to revoke a delegation at any time while an object is in a particular stage regardless of how many times delegation has occurred. This is true regardless of whether the current delegate is the same as the one the original stakeholders delegated to.