Reloading Application Configuration

Some customization requires the RiskVision solution to reload configuration and properties files. You can implement the changes without interrupting service (some changes will take effect when the server next starts).

Customization fileDescription
.propertiesProperties that control many aspects of the system
TargetSelectionObjects.xmlCustomize the objects and fields that can be used to build the target selection criteria
UICustomization.xmlCustomize the look and feel
UIDictionary.xmlCustomize terms used in the user interface
UIHelpTopics.xmlCustomize the 'About this Page' panels
UIWorkspace.xmlCustomize the look and feel of individually-licensed applications
Grids.xmlCustomize most grids

To implement customization: 

  1. Place the customized file in the correct location on the host computer. Your custom files are located in the folder:


  2. In the Administration application, go to Administration > Server Administration > Commands.
  3. Expand the Commands tab and click the Reload button in the Configuration section.

When the process completes, the 'reloaded configuration' message displays.