Modify the Caching Values

If the data in JasperReports Server is not updating constantly, the caching values may need to be modified. Different settings may cause different effects depending on the scenario so experimentation is encouraged.

To adjust the caching settings:

  1. Navigate to C:\ReportServer\ReportServer\apache-tomcat\webapps\jasperserver-pro\WEB-INF.

  2. Open the applicationContext-adhoc.xml file. 

  3. Locate the dataSetCache bean.

  4. Adjust either or both of the following parameters as desired:

    • defaultTimeoutMinutes: The number of minutes the system will wait before removing a dataset from the cache. Ensures that stale data is periodically refreshed. Set to 60 by default.

    • DefaultUnusedTimeoutMinutes: The number of minutes the system will wait before removing a used dataset from the cache. Set to 20 by default.