Default Email Templates

The default template types are available for your use depending on the RiskVision solution. Resolver provides the following default templates:

Alert Notification (HTML)AlertUsed to notify users that a compliance, control or risk score has crossed a specified threshold.
Alert NotificationAlertUsed to notify users that a compliance, control or risk score has crossed a specified threshold.
Assessment LaunchAssessmentNotifies users that a new assessment has been launched.
Assessment Launch StatusAssessmentNotifies program owners of assessment launch success or failure.
Assessment RecurrenceAssessmentNotifies program owners that an assessment that is configured for recurrence is about to be restarted.
Assessment ReviewAssessmentSends e-mail when an assessment is sent out for review.
Assessment Review RejectionAssessmentThis template is used when an assessment you sent out for review was rejected.
Assessment SignoffAssessmentSends e-mail when an assessment is sent for sign-off.
Assessment Signoff RejectionAssessmentThis template is used when an assessment that you sent out for sign-off was rejected.
Classification Assessment LaunchAssessmentThis template is used when a new risk classification assessment has been launched.
Content Pack DelegationControlThis template is used when a Content Pack is delegated from one user to another user.
Content Pack DeployedControlThis template is used when a Content Pack is deployed.
Content Pack EscalationControlThis template is used to alert users that a Control's due date is passed.
Content Pack ReminderControlThis template is used to remind the user about upcoming due dates.
Content Pack ReviewControlThis template is used when a Control is ready for review.
Content Pack Review RejectionControlThis template is used when a Control is rejected during review.
Default EscalationEscalationThis template is used for sending an escalation notification.
Default Ticket Escalation TemplateTicketThe default template used when tickets themselves are escalated.
Default Ticket AssignmentTicketThis template is used when a new ticket has been launched.
ERM Assessment LaunchAssessmentThis template is used when a new ERM assessment has been launched.
ERM Risk Opinion Review RequestRiskThis template is used to notify users to request an ERM risk opinion.
Exception DelegationExceptionThis template is used when an exception is delegated from one user to another user.
Exception EscalationExceptionThis template is used to remind user that the exception assigned to them is past the due date.
Exception ExpireExceptionThis template informs a user that an exception has expired.
Exception ReminderExceptionThis template is used to remind user about upcoming exception due dates.
Exception ReviewExceptionThis template is used when an exception is ready for review.
Exception Review RejectionExceptionThis template is used when an exception is rejected during review.
Exception SignoffExceptionThis template is used when an exception is ready for sign-off.
Exception Signoff RejectionExceptionThis template is used when an exception sign-off was rejected.
Finding ClosedFindingThis template is used when a finding is closed.
Finding DelegationFindingThis template is used when a finding is delegated from one user to another.
Finding EscalationFindingThis template is used by the system to notify an assignor that a finding that they have assigned has not been worked on and is nearly past the due date.
Finding ReminderFindingThis template is used to remind users about upcoming due dates on findings.
Finding ReviewFindingThis template is used when a finding is ready for review.
Finding Review RejectionFindingThis template is used when a finding is rejected during review.
Finding Update NotificationFindingThis template is used to notify the finding owner when the finding is updated.
New FindingFindingThis template is used to notify stakeholders when a finding is created.
New Vendor Contact NotificationVendorThis template is used for notifying a new vendor contact that his/her login account has been created.
Incident ClosedIncidentNotifies users that an incident is closed.
Incident DelegationIncidentThis template is used when an incident is delegated from one user to another .
Incident DetectedIncidentNotifies that an incident is detected.
Incident EscalationIncidentThis template is used to remind users that the incident assigned to them is past the due date.
Incident ReminderIncidentThis template is used to remind user about upcoming due dates on incidents.
Incident ReviewIncidentThis template is used when an incident is ready for review.
Incident Review RejectionIncidentThis template is used when an incident is rejected during review.
Incident SignoffIncidentThis template is used when an incident is ready for sign-off.
Incident Signoff RejectionIncidentThis template is used when an incident sign-off is rejected.
Out of Office DelegationAccess DelegationThis template is used to notify users of assigned access delegations.
Questionnaire AssignmentAssessmentUsed for data gathering to notify users that a questionnaire has been assigned to them.
Questionnaire Change NotificationAssessmentUsed to notify assessment stakeholders that the questionnaire has been changed.
Questionnaire DelegationAssessmentUsed to notify a user that another user delegated a questionnaire to them.
Questionnaire EscalationAssessmentUsed to alert users that the questionnaire assigned to them is past the due date.
Questionnaire ReminderAssessmentUsed for reminderinf users of questionnaire due dates.
Report or Dashboard DeliveryAnalyticsThis template is used when a report or dashboard is sent to the user.
Response Notification ErrorSystemAn HTML template used to send notification that a user request was not successfully processed.
Response Notification SuccessSystemAn HTML template used to send notification that a user request was successfully processed.
Response to Password Reset RequestSystemSent when a user requests their password to be reset.
Risk Assessment LaunchAssessmentThis template is used to notify stakeholders that a new risk assessment has been launched.
Risk IdentifiedRiskThis template is used to notify owners that a new risk is identified.
Scheduled Job Completed SuccessfullySystemSends a job success notification.
Scheduled Job FailedSystemSends a job failure notification.
Threats Advisory AlertsAlertUsed to notify users when new threats or vulnerabilities are reported by security research organizations.
Ticket Assignment NotificationTicketNotifies a user they have been assigned a ticket.
Ticket Update NotificationTicketNotifies the ticket owner when the ticket is updated.
Ticket ClosedTicketSends notification that a ticket was closed.
Ticket DelegationTicketSends notification that a ticket was delegated from one user to another user.
Ticket EscalationTicketUsed to alert users that the tickets are assigned to them after the due date is passed.
Ticket ReminderTicketReminds a user about upcoming due dates on tickets.
Ticket ReviewTicketSends notification that a ticket is ready for review.
Ticket Review RejectionTicketSends notification that a ticket was rejected during review.
Vulnerability Assignment NotificationAlertUsed to notify a user that they have become the owner of a vulnerability.