Creating Policies Based on Microsoft® Word Documents

When policies are already described in electronic documents, it can save time to import than recreating these policies. This section describes importing potentially long and complex word-processing documents that are in .doc,.docx,.odt, or .rtf format.

To create a policy document:

  1. Open a document using Microsoft Word.
  2. Label the title / heading and top-level sections to Heading 1 style type.

  3. Set the subsections heading styles as Heading 2, Heading 3, Heading 4 respectively. Set the body text associated with various sections to Normal style.
  4. Create a multilevel listing. Select the heading and set the heading type as H1. Select the second level heading and right click on it.
  5. Select Numbering and then choose Change list level. If you do not set the top level heading as H1, or H2, or H3, the change list level will not be active. This will automatically setup the numbering format that RiskVision can recognize. Manually, creating the numbering format will disturb the formatting.

    To format the numbering manually, in the tool bar ribbon, select the multilevel icon and then choose the current list option that looks similar to the following:

      1. Heading 1
      1.1. Heading 2
      1.1.1. Heading 3(etc...)
  6. The title and a few sections may have undesired numbers associated with them. To remove these numbers, select and right click the title, select Numbering, and then choose None.

  7. The document should have a format similar to the following image:

  8. Save the file with a .docextension.
  9. Log in to the Policy Manager application.
  10. Go to Content > Policies and select Import Policy from Wordin the More Actions... drop-down list, . The Word document is imported.
  11. Verify if the headings are broken into the correct sections and the numbering format is properly aligned.