The Relationships tab for an entity or entity collection only shows its direct relationships. That is, the relationships of one or more entities or entity collections that are related to other entities or entity collections. The Relationship Explorer window allows you to drill down into relationships with other entities and entity collections. It can also be used to show all the dependencies of a particular entity collection or entities, not just those that are one level removed from that entity collection.
To open the Relationship Explorer window, click an entity or entity collection to open, click the Relationships tab, and then click the Relationship Explorer.The Relationship Explorer window.
At the top of the Relationship Explorer window, you will see the entity (or entity collection) as a root. When you expand the root, any established relationships will appear. Expand each relationship type to see the entities associated with the root entity. You can also expand other entities to see if those entities have a relationship with any other entities, and so forth. This will provide an overview of the dependencies of the root entity or entity collection with the other entities or entity collections.