Customize the Columns

In most grid views, you can specify exactly which attributes must be displayed as columns in a given grid view, and you can choose whether attributes must be shown graphically or as text or other options. 

To customize the columns: 

  1. Open the More Actions... dropdown list.
  2. Click Customize.

    The Customize Grid Columns dialogue.

    In the Customize Grid Columns dialogue, the object attributes that can be used as grid columns are listed in the Available Columns box. The current columns are listed in display order in the Selected Columns list. 

  3. Optional
    1. Add a column to the Selected Columns list: 
      1. Check the box next to a column in the Available Columns list.
      2. Click the right arrow pointing from the Available Columns to the Selected Columns list. 
    2. Remove a column from the Selected Columns list: 
      1. Select a column in the Selected Columns list by clicking on it. 
      2. Click the left arrow that points from the Selected Columns back to the Available Columns list. 
    3. Specify the format details of a column:
      1.  Click a column name to select it in the Selected Columns list.
      2. Optional: Edit the Format > Header field to change the column name. 
      3. Optional: Click the up or down arrow to change the order.

Customizing Grid Columns has no effect on the underlying data.