Updated Articles

  1. Version 9.6 Release Notes

    A summary of new features and improvements added to Resolver RiskVision 9.6.
  2. Enable Navigation from JasperReports to Custom Attribute Folder

    How to enable navigation from JasperReports to a custom attribute folder in RiskVision.
  3. Oracle Post-Installation Scripts

    How to set up the Oracle Server for use with Resolver RiskVision.
  4. Vulnerability-CPE Matching

    As part of CPE wild card search and matches, RiskVision has implemented a new property called cpe.uri.regexp.criteria to correlate all possible vulnerabilities that are applied to a specific CPE. By default, the property will take the rightMatch ...
  5. Add Custom Attributes to Navigation Tree

    How to add custom attributes to the Ticket navigation tree.
  6. Batch Workflow Transitions

    Instructions on moving multiple RiskVision objects to another state through the Batch Workflow Transition action.
  7. Batch Workflow Transitions

    Instructions on moving multiple RiskVision objects to another state through the Batch Workflow Transition action.
  8. Batch Edit Tickets

    How to edit multiple ticket objects through the Batch Edit Tickets action in RiskVision.
  9. Configure the Shibboleth Service Provider

    How to configure the Shibboleth service provider to work with RiskVision.
  10. Establishing and Managing Roles

    How to manage and establish roles in RiskVision using SAML configuration, as well as steps for bypassing SAML login.