Predefined Relationship Types

The following types and their inverse are defined by RiskVision. That is, a relationship pair such as Child of/Parent of is specified in either direction. A source entity can have either the Child of or the Parent of relationship with a target entity. In the following table, the Relationship Type can be swapped with the Inverse Type.

Relationship typeInverse typeDescription
Can be accessed byHas access toAccess relationship between entities
Child ofParent ofParent-child relationship between entities
Consists ofPart ofComposition relationship between entities
ContainsIs insideContainment relationship between entities
Depends onNeeded byDependency relationship between entities
Deployed onHostingDeployment relationship between entities
Entity CollectionMember of Entity CollectionMembership relationship between entities and entity collections
ForHasRequirement relationship between entities
GroupMember of GroupMembership relationship between entities
Member of ProgramProgramMembership relationship between entities and programs
Owned byOwner ofOwner-ownee relationship between entities
ConsumesProvidesService provider relationship between entities