Setting the Salutation and Signature for Merged Emails

Merged emails within RiskVision currently show up as an aggregation of the individual emails that comprise the merged email. For example, if a merged email has 5 notifications within the merged email, there will be 5 salutations and endings within the merged email, once for each notification. Adding the following properties to the .properties file will result in the merging placing a global salutation and signature for all the merged notifications and appending a separator at the beginning of each notification to demarcate the individual notifications within the email.

  • com.agiliance.notification.useGlobalSalutationAndSignature – Setting this property to true allows using the universal salutation and signature.
  • com.agiliance.notification.globalSalutation – Setting this property applies the universal salutation for all the merged and non-merged emails.
  • com.agiliance.notification.globalSignature – Setting this property applies the universal signature for all the merged and non-merged emails.
  • com.agiliance.notification.messageSeparator – Setting this property to true appends a separator (use special characters, such as -, *, ^, #, and more) at the beginning of each notification in the merged emails. This will not be used for notifications from templates that are marked as Send Immediately.

The graphic below illustrates a merged email with universal salutation and signature, and separator: 

1. The universal salutation "Dear"

2. The separator "hyphen (-)"

3. The universal signature "Thanks!"

In addition to the properties mentioned above, you must also delete the salutation and signature from all of the email templates including the ones that are marked as Send Immediately.

recommends only to use the properties mentioned above when merging is enabled. However, if you decide to use the properties when merging is not enabled, please be aware of the following behavior:

There will be multiple salutations and signatures shown in each merged email, one from the global setting and one from the email template if the salutation and signature are not deleted from the email templates.