Send Escalations and Reminders to Stakeholders

RiskVision Server allows you to send of escalations and/or reminders to stakeholders when a workflow does not move forward within a specified time. These notifications can be sent from any stage of any type of workflow. In each workflow stage, you can add a combination of up to ten reminder and escalation options. Escalations and reminders are sent based on different date fields for different objects. For example, a ticket workflow allows you to remind a ticket stage stakeholder days before a ticket will expire. The available escalation and reminder options and the date types for different workflows are as follows:

AssessmentRemind Stakeholder, Escalate to program owner, and Escalate to stakeholder's managerDue date, Recurrence date, Stage start date, and custom dates
ExceptionRemind Stakeholder and Escalate to stakeholder's managerExpiration, Start, Stage start date, and custom dates
FindingRemind Stakeholder, Escalate to owner, and Escalate to stakeholder's managerLast modified date, Stage start date, and custom dates
IncidentRemind Stakeholder and Escalate to stakeholder's managerDue Date, Time Detected, Time Received, Stage start date, and custom dates
PolicyRemind Stakeholder, Escalate to owner, and Escalate to stakeholder's managerStage start date and custom dates
TicketRemind Stakeholder, Escalate to owner, and Escalate to stakeholder's managerCreated, Exception Expiration Date, End, Start, Planned Start, Planned End, Stage start date, and custom dates