Real-Time Diagnostics

While the auditing and monitoring systems provide a historical record of events that occur within JasperReports Server, diagnostics provide administrators with the overall health of JasperReports Server and its Java Virtual Machine. For example, diagnostics can provide information such as memory use, login and logout times, concurrently running reports, and number of scheduled reports.

Diagnostic data is available to administrators in the Public > Diagnostic folder of the JasperReports Server UI. The configuration file can also be accessed and edited using the steps below. The file consists of object-encapsulating classes known as beans, and excluding these beans from the code can help narrow down the diagnostic results.

To limit the diagnostic results:

  1. Navigate to C:\ReportServer\ReportServer\apache-tomcat\webapps\jasperserver-pro\WEB-INF.

  2. Open the applicationContext-diagnostic.xml file.

  3. To exclude an attribute:

    1. Locate the managed bean where the desired attribute is defined.

    2. Uncomment the attribute from the excludedDiagnosticAttributes property.

  4. To exclude an entire bean: 

    1. Locate the desired bean.

    2. Comment the bean or remove it from the list of beans in the diagnosticExportingMBeansMap.

  5. To disable real-time diagnostics entirely, rename or remove the following files:

    • applicationContext-diagnostic.xml

    • applicationContext-diagnostic-pro.xml