About Preferred Ownership Options

If your assessment is only valid when key object owners participate, you may want to skip sending a questionnaire when no preferred owners match. If any owner can answer when a preferred owner does not exist, send questionnaires even if no preferred owners match. Below are the preferred ownership options that explain whether to send a questionnaire if no matching users are found:

  • Assess entities when control preferred owners and workflow stakeholders do not match.
    • Do not send questionnaires if no matching users are found. When you launch an assessment workflow, the RiskVision application will compare the preferred ownership of a control (group or control objective) with the stakeholders of a workflow stage, and if no match is found, controls are not created;meaning the controls are not listed in the assessment details tab of a program.
    • Send questionnaires if no matching users are found. When you launch an assessment workflow, the RiskVision application will compare the preferred ownership of a control (group or control objective) with the stakeholders of a workflow stage and if no match is found, it compares the workflow stage stakeholders with the entity owners. If a match is found, questionnaire is sent to the matched stakeholders to log the answer choice. Otherwise stakeholders can only view the questionnaire.
  • Assess entities when control preferred owners and workflow stakeholders match.
    • When you launch assessment workflow, the RiskVision application will compare the ownership of an entity with the matched owners of a workflow stage and control (group or control objective), and if a match is found, a questionnaire is sent to the matched stakeholders to log the answer choice. Otherwise stakeholders can only view the questionnaire.

The preferred ownership feature works only in the first stage of assessment workflow that allows each questionnaire to advance the workflow-stages independently

Assign the preferred ownership at the same level as the content added in a program. For example, if the preferred ownership is assigned to the content at the group level, assign the content to the program at the group level. If the preferred ownership is assigned to the content at the control level, assign the content to the program at the control level.