
Certain attributes can be multi-valued, as described above. This information is also documented on the Name Space worksheet. Cardinality refers to the number of each attribute for a given object. The cardinality of most attributes is 1, meaning each asset, for example, has one name, one description, and so on. When an attribute's cardinality is listed on the Name Space worksheet as 'n,' it means that the object can have any number of values, or zero to 'n' in math terms.

When you refer to an attribute with a cardinality of 'n,' you must specify the attribute's index number, even if there is only one. To add one named tag to each imported Asset, for example, you would add on the Map worksheet, because the assetTags attribute has a cardinality of 'n.' You could refer to a second value,, or not. Because the attribute's cardinality is not 1, the index number is required or else would generate an error.