Large Reports

In order to avoid running out of memory, JasperReports Server uses the JRFileVirtualizer to handle reports with a large page count. This virtualizer creates a separate file for every page of the report after page 300. While this does reduce strain on the Java memory heap, it can also potentially slow down JasperReports Server. If it appears that larger reports are causing memory bottleneck issues, it is possible to adjust the virtualizer's settings.

To edit the maximum report size:

  1. Navigate to C:\ReportServer\ReportServer\apache-tomcat\webapps\jasperserver-pro\WEB-INF.

  2. Open the applicationContext.xml file.

  3. Locate the fileVirtualizerFactory bean.

  4. Adjust the maxSize attribute as desired.

    Making the value for maxSize abnormally high will effectively disable the virtualizer, but may cause memory problems.