When upgrading to RiskVision 9.5 or higher, there might be an issue where the Risk Score column of a vulnerability's Affected Entities tab does not display with a decimal place. In order to display the risk scores properly, a RiskVision administrator must run the Rebuild Grouping Cache job be following the below steps:
To run the Rebuild Grouping Cache job:
Log on with an administrator account.
Open the Threat and Vulnerability Manager application.
Navigate to Configuration > Threat Management Preferences.
Navigate to the Groupings tab and click Rebuild Grouping Cache.
The Groupings tab.
In some cases, the Rebuild Grouping Cache job may not run correctly and the Vulnerability Risk score will display as N/A. If this happens, follow the below steps.
To resolve a failed Rebuild Grouping Cache job:
Execute the following queries in the database to get more details:
Select * from agl_jobrun;
Select * from agl_db_log;
Observe the results after executing the above queries. You should see the following text if the queries were executed successfully:
ORA-0001:unique Containt(AGLDB.PK_AGL_ASSET_FACTOR_CUSTOMATTR) violated found in the agl_db_log
Execute the below query to check for duplicate records in the custp, attributes table:
select object_id, attrib_level, count *
from agl_customattributes group by object_id, attrib_level having count * > 1
If the above query returns any record, update the object_id to null.
Run the Rebuild Grouping Cache job.
If the above steps do not resolve the issue, contact Resolver Support.