Enable Drilldown Reporting Regardless of Encryption

In the past, if ID encryption was enabled on the RiskVision side, it had to be enabled on the Jasper side or drilldown reports wouldn't work. Now, users can generate a drilldown report whether or not encryption settings have been enabled for Jasper.

To adjust the settings to allow for drilldown reporting:

  1. Navigate to and open the agiliance.properties files in both the Jasper and RiskVision folders.

  2. Set the properties as follows depending on the result you want to achieve:

    1. To generate a report with encryption:

      • Jasper:

      • RiskVision:

    2. To generate a report without encryption:

      • Jasper:

      • RiskVision:
        com.agiliance.common.utils.idencryption.skipencryption=true or false

  3. Save and close the files.