Entity Details Tabs

Entity details are categorized into a set of tabs. The available tabs will depend on the entity type. You can edit these tabs if you have the Entity View and Entity Update permissions. To edit entities created by other users for which you have not been named an additional owner, you must have Entity View and Entity Update all permissions. You can update the Classification tab if you have Entity View and Entity Manage permissions.

These are the available entity details tabs:




All entity types have a General tab. Attributes include name, type and subtype, and other identifying fields. Status can be Managed or Discovered. The entity's Organization Hierarchy is described here.


Entities have a primary owner and a grid of additional owners. Click Add Owners to associate more users with this entity.


The Description provides additional type-specific fields, such as Publisher and Version, for applications. The profile information is listed on this tab, if a matching profile is found.


A grid of physical addresses, if any, associated with this entity. Click New to define a new physical address. Use the following property to delete an entity's address: com.agiliance.asset.deleteAddress=true.


Entities can be classified in many different ways, such as Business Criticality, CIAA (Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, and Accountability), or tags. There is a Change History associated with entity classification.

Cost & Impact

This tab associates specific costs and importance metrics with a particular entity. Costs include attributes such as "business value per hour ($)," and "average remediation time (days)." Important attributes include "number of users."


A grid listing the other entities with which this entity has a relationship. Click Add relationship to specify how an entity must relate to another entity. Also, see Relationship Explorer.

For a Person-type entity, a relationship is listed in the Teams tab.


This tab displays the programs in which the entity is inheriting and propagating the controls. Because the entity is related to another entity, the control results are propagated after answering the assessments.


The Documents tab is a grid listing documents, web links and network path associated with this entity. Click New Document to upload a document related to the entity, such as a contract for a Vendor type entity, or click New Web Link / Network Path to record an external link.

Note: By default, users with the Entity view+create+update permission and without any Document Repository-related permissions can attach or delete documents on Entities, but when users are using the new Global Document Repository feature to attach a document from the Document Repository to an entity, then Document Repository-related permissions and ownerships are required.


A grid of the assessments associated with this entity. Click New to create a new assessment.


Entity types, such as Computer or Application, have an automation tab that displays target type parameters based on the entity type, subtype, and product name.


For some entity types, the Vulnerabilities tab provides a summary of vulnerabilities found by scanners or users. Computer and Vendor types, for example, list vulnerabilities on different tabs.

Vulnerabilities List

The Vulnerabilities List tab is a grid of all vulnerabilities found by scanners or entered manually by users. To create a new vulnerability and associate it with the entity, click either New or Import. To assign an existing vulnerability to this entity, click Assign. For more information, see Assigning Vulnerabilities. To view the Vulnerability in further detail, click on the data in either the Identifier or Title tab.

Some entity types, such as Vendors, do not have associated vulnerabilities.


The Inferred tab lists the vulnerabilities that are associated indirectly with an entity type, such as Computer and Network Device.

Comp Controls

The Comp Controls tab lists each of the vulnerability compensation controls attached to the entity. Users can add new compensating controls, delete them, add notes, and view the recent changes made.

Note: Only users with the Entity View, Threats and Vulnerabilities View, and Vulnerability Compensating Control Update permissions can view, add, update, and remove vulnerability compensating controls from the entity or add comments. All updates and changes to a vulnerability compensating control will be logged in the Change History section.


A table displaying all, if any, of the threats the entity has been attached to.

System Details 

Certain types and subtypes of entity, such as Computers, have a number of tabs organized under the heading 'System Details.' These tabs include:

  • Network

  • Ports

  • Services

  • Applications

  • Hardware

  • Patches

  • Network Shares

  • User Accounts

  • Membership

Data Feeds

A grid listing the data feeds associated with the entity, if any.


The Exception tab is a grid of all exceptions, including the controls, findings, and vulnerabilities related to the entity that the tab is associated with.