Populating The Target Range, Row, Column, Or Cell

The dashboard processor (i.e., $dashboardProcessor) provides the following methods for populating a target cell, row, column, and range using the data from reports, Java objects, and/or parameters:

1. A single cell:

  setCellValue($cell, $cellData) 

2. A single row:

  setRowValues($row, $rowData) 

3. A single column:

  setColumnValues($column, $columnData) 

4. A range:

  setRangeValues($range, $rangeData)

Here are some examples:

 $dashboardProcessor.setCellValue($controlNameCell, $control.getCaption())

 #set($rowData = [$v.getCaption(), $v.getDescription(), $v.getDefaultSeverity(), $count])

 $dashboardProcessor.setRowValues($targetRow, $rowData)

 $dashboardProcessor.setRangeValues($report3DataRange, $report3Result)

Note that one can nest the three calls that define a data destination, get the data, and populate the target cell/row/column/range into a single call, at the expense of reduced readability. Here is an example of such:

$dashboardProcessor.setRangeValues($dashboardProcessor.getRange('DataSheet3', 'A', 'F'), $dashboardProcessor.getReportData('/My Reports/Entity Distribution by Criticality'))