Defining Reports with Excel Templates

The RiskVision solution supports simple column-based dashboards and HTML/Velocity template-based reports. You can also define custom reports.

Excel report templates created outside of RiskVision can be used as a report template. Additionally, RiskVision supports the creation of excel report templates to allow viewing and printing reports directly within Excel (or Excel Viewer).

The Excel-based custom report facility is designed to cleanly separate data presentation from data generation and to allow users to use the existing user interface for other types of reports.

An Excel-based report template is a normal Excel workbook or template. As such, all Excel features can be used, including macros and VB scripts. Currently, only Excel 97-2003 is supported. Typically, an Excel report template has one sheet with the charts and tables for the final report.

Note that tables, individual rows, columns, and cells in the report can be populated directly without using another data sheet. Also, data sheets can be hidden through Excel scroll-locking.

Depending on the complexity of the report, the template must have either a Properties sheet or a Velocity script.

Simple Template with a Properties sheet

  • Allow independent reports only

  • Allow single-valued parameters

  • Allow fixed data destinations

Advanced Template with a Velocity Script

  • Allow reports that depend on the results of other reports

  • Allow calls to Java methods to get data for charts and tables

  • Allow list-valued parameters

  • Allow relative data destinations

  • Allow control-flow structures (e.g., if-then-else and for each loop)

For more information, see Creating a simple report template or Creating an advanced report template.