Change the Password for the rvJasperUser

  1. Go to the JasperReports Server host and access the URL by using a browser
  2. http://localhost:8480/jasperserver-pro/login.html

    The JasperReports Server login page is displayed.

  3. Go to Manage > Users
  4. Select is rvJasperUser user
  5. Click Edit
  6. Change the password. The password is changed successfully.

If the unencrypted password is used to set the property, perform the steps below:

  1. Open the %AGILIANCE_HOME%\config\ file by using a text editor.
  2. Set the jasper.rvUserWebServicePwd property to the new password. The password can be read because it remains visible in the property.
  3. Restart the RiskVision Tomcat service to apply the changes.

If the encrypted password is used to set the property, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the command prompt and navigate to the %AGILIANCE_HOME%\install\toolbox\bin directory.
  2. Enter the command: encrypt.cmd <password>. This password must be confidential.
  3. A new password is generated in the encrypted format.
  4. Copy the encrypted password and paste the password in the file.
  5. Set the jasper.rvUserWebServicePwdEncrypted property to the password in encrypted form.
  6. Restart the Application server Tomcat to apply the changes.