Accessing the Questionnaire

Once you log in to the RiskVision application, use one of the following ways to access the questionnaires assigned to you:

  1. My Assessments section on the Home > Welcome page.
  2. Home > Questionnaires page, if additional permissions are assigned.

My Assessments 

The My Assessments section on the Welcome page contains questionnaires that are assigned to you because the assessment workflow entered the stage in which you are a stakeholder. Based on the due date, click the subject of a questionnaire to work on it. Click Go to Assessments so that you are navigated to the Home > Questionnaires page where questionnaire assigned to you are displayed in a grid.


Unlike My Assessments section which provides a glimpse of questionnaires, the Questionnaires page is a grid where you view the complete list of questionnaires. For more information, see About Questionnaires Page.