Adding Escalations or Reminders

To add an escalation or reminder option: 

  1. In the RiskVision, go to Configuration > Workflows. The Workflows page is displayed.
  2. Select the workflow to open its details page.
  3. Click Edit at the top-right corner of the details page.
  4. Click the workflow stage in which you will want to add an escalation or reminder. The details are displayed.
  5. Under Options, click Add Option. A new option is added.
  6. In the first drop-down list, select the reminder or escalation option.

  7. Enter a number in the days field.
  8. In the second drop-down list, select one of the following: on, before, and after.
  9. In the third drop-down list, select a date type.
  10. In the fourth drop-down list, select an email template to notify users for reminder or escalation purposes.