About Findings Page

Findings are associated with controls that are non-compliant in an assessment. The Findings page is a grid comprising of findings that are created for controls or questionnaire in the Questionnaire window as well as those created in the grid using the New button. In the Findings page, you can create a finding for an entity. You can work on findings only if you are a stakeholder or findings administrator. To respond to a finding, you must use response, exception or ticket that are available in the Findings details page. In order to work on exception and ticket, you need the set of permissions required by those objects; since the permissions related to a finding will allow only to modify the general, risk assessment, response, and attachments.

The following are the actions/option Findings in the grid helps you manage a finding:

NewCreates a new finding.
DetailsDisplays the finding details so you can edit, update the general, risk assessment and response settings, or add or manage objects associated with a finding.
DeleteAllows deletion of findings.
Import Audit FindingsAllows importing of findings for an entity. For more information see Importing Findings.
Add Finding ResponseAllows adding a response to a finding.
Show Finding ResponsesDisplays responses, if any, for the selected finding.
New ExceptionCreates an exception to the selected finding. Use an exception to override the finding's score. For information about how to create an exception, see Requesting Global Exceptions.
New TicketCreates a ticket to the selected finding.
Synchronize WorkflowIncorporates workflow changes into the selected finding. The moment you apply this action the finding will advance using the latest changes.
DelegateBulk delegation can be done by stakeholders of a workflow or Users with Manage permission by checking the check boxes next to one or more findings and choose Delegate option to bring up the User Picker. The users can then delegate to any user or team.
Revoke DelegationWhen a user chooses the bulk action of Revoke Delegation under the More Actions menu, then the delegation shall be revoked for all objects that have been delegated.