The Tickets page is a grid consisting of tickets in which you are a stakeholder. If you own the responsibility of managing the tickets in your organization, you can view all tickets, regardless of ownership. Depending on your permissions, you can use the Tickets page to perform the following tasks:
- Create a new ticket;
- Synchronize the changes made to the ticket workflow;
- Delete a ticket; and
- Open a ticket to view the details and to perform the following tasks:
- Update the general information.
- Transition the workflow.
- Add comments.
- Manage attachments.
- Link or detach entities and vulnerabilities.
- View workflow history and changes.
When you access the Tickets page, you can view all tickets that need your attention, as well as all closed tickets. Tickets can be filtered using By Status, Stage, Type and My Tickets Delegated To Others. For example, you can click the Review group under the Tickets tree to work on tickets in the Review stage.
Groups under By Stage appear only when tickets enter a particular stage. For example, if there are tickets in the "New" and "Assigned" stages, only those stage groups appear to the stakeholder.