About the Program Wizard

The program wizard takes you through the program creation process and allows you to modify some program settings on the following tabs:

  • Names and Owners: Provide basic information for an assessment program, such as name and description, program owner, and program type.
  • Workflow: Select a workflow template. RiskVision creates a workflow instance for each assessment. Assessments transition through the various stages on separate timelines. Modifications to an assessment instance, such as an additional stakeholder, affect the workflow instance only. The workflow instance specifies the process stages, stakeholders and participants, automatic run-time process controls, and stage transition requirements.
  • Recurrence: Set the timeline and questionnaire options for reassessments.
  • Options: Choose options controlling additional customizable behavior relevant to the current program type.
  • Review: Examine the details of the program setup before saving and/or launching and starting assessments.

To create a program, your user role must have Program View and Program Update permissions. When you have these permissions, you can create, update, and delete only the programs for which you are the owner. If your user role has Program Manage permissions, you can create, update, and delete any program no matter who owns it.