About Table Columns

The table columns display the following questionnaire-specific information:

 Column Description
ProgramDisplays the program name.
AssessmentDisplays the assessment name.
QuestionnaireDisplays the content name assigned to the entity for evaluation in the program. Tool tip displays the path to the content on the Controls and Questionnaires page.
StatusDisplays the stage name.
Complete ByDisplays the questionnaire due date. 
ProgressShows the percent complete of the stage. 
Delegate toShows the username to whom you have assigned the questionnaire. 
Delegated ByShows the name of the stakeholder who delegated the questionnaire. 
ActionsDropdown that allows you to initiate an action. See below. 
Action ItemsShows icons that indicate action items set for the questionnaire questions, such as exception requests, and identifies questionnaires with attachments.