Version 9.6 Patches

RRV-6962Resolved the high quantity of "HTTPS Status: 400" and "AglHtmlPane failed to load" errors encountered when accessing the Exception Details page.
RRV-6965The SQL-based query result has been expanded as a drop-down capability to accept the parameter for SQL Query.
RRV-7108Resolved an issue that was preventing the import and creation of the DetailPane-TicketBatchEdit.groovy file.
RRV-7071Resolved an error in which some checkbox answers were missing following an upgrade from version 9.1.
RRV-7101Resolved an error in which the system keeps appending the OS name instead of replacing it whenever the OS is reported without a "cpe:/o".
RRV-7105Resolved an error where the Catalina log was throwing errors when importing entities that had CPEs without URIs.
RRV-7109Resolved an error in which importing an entity with the same CPE technology through the Entity Import Template would display the duplicate technology.
Prevented an issue where the title of a Technology was replaced by the CPE URI when it is imported through the Entity Import Template.
RRV-7116Resolved an issue in which there was a noticeable delay in opening Entity and Vulnerability instance tabs of a Vulnerability's Ticket.
RRV-7176Resolved a vulnerability that was affecting Apache Log4j 2 versions 2.0 to 2.17.1.
RRV-7229Resolved an issue where there was a noticeable delay with exception creation