RiskVision creates an administrator for a vendor account using the point of contact information. This user manages other vendor users, delegates, and assigns vendor self assessments and other questionnaires to vendor users, and can be assigned as the owner of other entities. RiskVision automatically assigns the Primary Contact as the vendor contact owner for this entity when it is created.
Enter the following information:
Login ID: The user's login ID. Note that user name cannot be changed once the user account is created.
Password: Must be at least eight characters long and contain at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter, one special character, and one number.
Confirm Password: Retype the password.
First Name: Type the user's first name as you want it to be displayed in other fields, such as Entity Ownership. Many default email templates use the recipient's first name as a greeting.
Middle Name: The user's middle name.
Last Name: The user's last name.
Email Address: The user's full email address. Users enter their email address (or User name) when they log into RiskVision. Notifications will be sent to the address specified here.
- Picture: Click Select Image to upload a picture of vendor user.
- Manager: Select a manager in the dropdown list box.
- Last Login. Location: Displays information about when the vendor user has last logged in to the RiskVision application.
- Authentication Type: Displays whether the user created is internal or external.
- Allow user to access RiskVision: Select to allow user to access the RiskVision application.