Questionnaire Responder


Display the main logo in the questionnaire header

Select Yes to display the main logo in the questionnaires header.

Display the co-branding logo in the questionnaire header

Select Yes to display the co-branding logo in the questionnaires header.

Display the image of the subject in the questionnaire header

Select Yes to display the image in the subject questionnaires header.

FAQ URL for the questionnaire responders

Enter a web address where Frequently Asked Questions are posted.

Show more information link

Displays a 'more information' link where appropriate.

Show policy documents

Displays a link that allows the user taking the questionnaire to download the policy document attached to the control.

Distribute attachments

Attach all questionnaires in Excel format in the launch e-mail.

Maximum number of table rows shown in summary

The default is 5 rows.

Maximum number of table columns shown in summary

The default is 5 columns.

Show auto-advance checkbox

Allow questionnaire takers to automatically advance when all questions on the page have been answered. Radio button choices only.

Note: Questionnaires will not auto-advance, regardless of the auto-advance setting, when evidence has been added to a question, so that the questionnaire taker can preview the evidence in context.

Show progress and summary checkboxDisplays the questionnaire taker's progress and summary.

Load single question directly

Automatically displays questions for control with only one manual subcontrol.

Note: Controls with multiple subcontrols display a table with a list of questions where the user must select to answer.

Automatically lock questionnaires on launch

Locks questionnaire automatically, forcing the questionnaire takers to unlock it in order to answer questions. When the questionnaire taker's session ends, the questionnaire is automatically re-locked. This prevents multiple users from answering questions at the same time.

When disabled, questionnaires must be manually locked to prevent answers from being overridden by other users.

Allow user to skip answered questions

Provides a check box that skips answered questions when the user clicks Next in the questionnaire.

Allow user to skip resolved questions

Provides a check box that skips resolved questions when the user clicks Next in the questionnaire.