Assessment Propagation Details

Once stakeholders have answered an assessment(s), you can view inherited controls, direct controls, and propagated results on the Assessment Details page > Propagation Details. Data will only be populated in the Propagation tab when the entity or entity collection is related to another entity or entity collection and propagation is enabled for that relationship. The Propagation tab in the Assessment Details page is only visible if you have Assessment Manage permissions.

The Propagation details tab includes the following tabs:

  1. Inherited Controls: This tab contains the controls and subcontrols inherited from a related entity or entity collection. In order to be inherited, controls must have been published by the entity or entity collection that is propagating the results. Inherited controls will be automatically updated when an assessment associated with an entity or entity collection is related to the current entity or entity collection, either directly or indirectly, is answered, added to, or removed from the program. You can select a control or subcontrol and override the inherited control, if desired. For more information, see Overriding Inherited Controls. To completely remove the inherited result, select the control/subcontrol, and click Revoke Inherited Results. This will effectively remove the inherited control result and insert the question for the specific control result that was revoked, into the assessment questions for your entity or entity collection.

    An entity or entity collection can be automatically subscribed to two or more of the same controls/subcontrols. An entity or entity collection will be automatically subscribed, based on the following:

    • Intrasystem relationships take precedence over intersystem relationships. For example, if an entity is a member of an entity collection and has a relationship with another entity, then that entity inherits the controls/subcontrols of the entity collection.
    • If there are multiple intersystem relationships, the result with the highest score will win.
  2. The grid in this tab provides inherited controls details, such as which controls and subcontrols are inherited, their originating source, direct source, type, and compliance score. The Originating Source represents the entity or entity collection that is propagating the control or subcontrol. The Direct Source indicates the immediate entity or entity collection relationship with which the receiving entity or entity collection has been established.

  3. Direct Controls:This tab contains controls and subcontrols that are directly mapped to an entity or entity collection. The inheriting controls and subcontrols do not appear in this tab; they will appear only after you revoke any inherited controls.
  4. Propagated Results: This tab contains controls and subcontrols that can be propagated to a related entity(s) and entity collections. You can choose to propagate none, a few, or all of the controls and subcontrols. For entity collections, you can also choose to propagate to entity collection members.

    The following options are available to manage propagation results:

    • Propagate Externally: Enables results to propagate down to the related entity. This option is available for both entities and entity collections. The recipient can also be an entity or entity collection.
    • Propagate Internally: Enables results to propagate down to only the members of an entity collection. This option is available only for entity collections.
    • Do not Propagate: Allows you to stop propagating the results. This option is available for both entities and entity collections.

Note: Propagation of control results is not currently supported for dependent questions.