Rescheduling Jobs

The Scheduled Job details page allows you to reschedule system jobs and the user-defined recurring tasks, such as updating programs and charts. Depending on the nature of each system job, has set the execution time of these jobs to run at regular intervals. Some system jobs run frequently and concludes in a short time, whereas other jobs recur less frequently. When modifying the schedule of any system job, recommends not to set the same start time for long running jobs.

To reschedule a job: 

  1. Go to Administration > Scheduled Jobs.
  2. The Scheduled Jobs page appears. Click a job to open its details page and click Reschedule Job.
  3. The Revise Schedule dialog appears. Choose one of the following Frequency options: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Hourly, or Minutesand then select or enter the options, given below in the table, that appear based on the type of frequency. Note that not all jobs can be rescheduled using the Minutes frequency.
    FrequencyChoose Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Hourly, or Minutes
    Start TimeEnter the time to run the job
    Start DateEnter the date the job must begin
    Select the Days of the Week (Weekly)Select the days of week to run the job
    Select the day of the month and the months (Monthly)Select the day: First, Last, Fifteenth, or enter a particular day (such as the 10th) and month(s) to run the job
    Perform this task (Daily)Select how often to run the job. Choose Every Day, Weekdays, or Weekends
    Hourly IntervalEnter the frequency in hours to repeat the job
    Interval (minutes)Enter the frequency in minutes to repeat the job
  4. Click OK. The job is rescheduled.