Removing an Entity Collection Assessment

You can remove an entity collection assessment within a program, only if you have the Assessment View and Assessment Manage permissions.

 To remove an entity collection:

  1. In the RiskVision, go to Assessments > Programs, and select the program to open its details. The Assessments tab displays the entity and entity collection assessments.
  2. Select the entity collection type assessment and select Remove. A confirmation appears asking if you would like to remove the entity collection and its entities.
  3. Click OK. The entity collection and all of its member assessments are removed.

Managing Entity Collections

More Actions drop-down list. Then select the newly added entities on the Entities moved into entity collections dialog, and click OK to add those entities to the entity collection assessment.

  • Select Manage entities moved out of entity collections in the More Actions drop-down list. Then select the entities on the Entities moved out of entity collections dialog; (Ctrl+click to select multiple entities), and click OK to remove those entities from the entity collection assessment.

For information about how a dynamic group and its members function when added to an entity collection, see Using Entity Collections.