Program Checklist

Assemble the following RiskVision objects before creating a program:

  1. If an assessment needs a group of users to work on it, ensure that a team is available for you to select while creating a program.
  2. Choose or create a Questionnaire Presentation Option that makes sense for your program's assessment. Consider your questionnaire responders and reviewers, what questions you will ask, and what evidence or other supporting information that you'll need from stakeholders.
  3. Appropriate standard controls and questionnaires are available. You can also create your own content to assess entities. Contact Support to obtain additional content if the default content does not satisfy your assessment criterion.
  4. Choose any default workflow template, or design a workflow that suits your assessment. We recommend that you test a user-designed workflow before an assessment is run in your production environment.
  5. Determine which email template you want to use to notify users when an assessment reaches a particular stage of a workflow, when a user takes an action on a questionnaire, or if you are planning to assess an entity periodically.
  6. You must have Program View and Program Update or Program Manage permissions. If you have Program View and Program Update permissions, you will be able to create new programs and modify only those for which you are the owner. If you have Program View and Program Manage permissions, you will be able to create programs and assessments and manage actions, such as deleting programs, irrespective of the ownership.