Use More Actions in Vulnerabilities Grids

This section describes the vulnerability actions available in the More Actions dropdown list for vulnerability grids. Vulnerability actions can be performed simultaneously on multiple vulnerabilities. They can be used to automate actions, such as Acknowledge Vulnerability or Assign Vulnerability Owner, to kick-off the remediation process as soon as the vulnerabilities are reported.

The following table summarizes different vulnerability actions: 



Assign Vulnerability Owner

Assign an owner manually to a vulnerability when they are reported. 

Assign Entities

Assign more entities to a vulnerability if you believe that a vulnerability is going to affect multiple entities.

Assign Vulnerability

All reported vulnerabilities must be acknowledged before initiating the remediation process. If scanner results are imported after you acknowledge vulnerabilities, the status is automatically changed to as "Updated After Acknowledged" for those vulnerabilities instances which the scanner had reported earlier. The "Updated After Acknowledged" status will help you understand whether any new technologies are affecting the acknowledged vulnerabilities.

Unacknowledge Vulnerability

Unacknowledge a vulnerability if you have proper evidence to show that a reported vulnerability does not apply

Update Vulnerability Summary 

Perform this action to update the vulnerabilities grid with the latest import results.