Other Stage Options

 Assessment, Policy, Ticket, Finding, and Exception workflow stages (except as noted) present the following additional options for advanced settings.


Workflow Type


Notify selected stakeholder

Ticket, Policy, Finding and Exception

Notify the stakeholder selected in this stage.

Notify owner

Ticket Finding, and Exception

Notify object owners regarding the object creation.

Allow submitter/requester to make changes

Ticket and Exception

If checked, the original submitter or requester can change the ticket or exception request.


  • The workflow option has no bearing on the ticket's owner, who can always make changes to the ticket.
  • If a user has the object Manage permission or is a stakeholder, then they will be able to make changes to the object regardless of whether the option is checked.

Allow additional stakeholders to be added

Ticket and Finding

If checked, allow additional stakeholders to add to the stage.

Allow owner to make changes


If checked, allow owners to make changes in the findings. 


  • If a user has the object Manage permission or is a stakeholder, they will be able to make changes to the object regardless of whether the option is checked.
  • The workflow option should only be applicable if there are stakeholders mapped. 

Add Option


Click to add reminder and escalation options. For more information, see Sending Reminders and Escalations to Stakeholders. 

Notify by sending…


Notify by sending an e-mail to each stakeholder individually, or by sending a single e-mail to all stakeholders.

For example, if a workflow stage has 2 normal stakeholders and 3 email, only stakeholders and the user selects the below option,

  • Notify by sending email individually to each stakeholder: 2 emails are sent to normal stakeholders in TO list with no one on the CC list and 1 email is sent to email only stakeholders on the CC list with no one on the TO list.
  • Notify by sending single email to all stakeholders: 1 email is sent which includes 2 normal stakeholders in TO list and 3 email only stakeholders in CC list.

Allow each questionnaire to advance workflow stages...

Assessment Only

Allow each questionnaire to advance independently, or require that all questionnaires must advance together. Specify "branch" and "join" stages that mark the beginning and ending of independent transition zones in a workflow. For more information, see Allowing Independent Stage Transitions.

Enable preferred user matching

Assessment only

If this option is checked, RiskVision will send questionnaires to preferred users. If a preferred user is not found for a particular entity, a related option specifies whether to send a questionnaire. For information about how to set up the preferred ownership, see Preferred Ownership.

Allow Control test authoring

Assessment only

If checked, respondents can author control tests. 

Allow Control test authoring

Assessment only

If checked, respondents can evaluate control tests. 

Read Only Stage

Assessment only

Click and select to prevent modification of the entire questionnaire or answers. For more information, see Locking Answers in a Questionnaire

Notify primary owner when assessment is accessed

Assessment only

If checked, sends the primary owner of the entity or asset an e-mail when the assessment is accessed. For configuration steps, see Notifying Assessment Owner.

Show Private Comments

Assessment only

If checked, show private comments.

Allow all question scoring

Assessment only

If checked, allow all question scoring.

This is Review Stage

Assessment only

Check to indicate that the status of the current stage is in review.

Auto Advance after n days; Action <action>

Assessment only

Advance the assessment workflow automatically using the specified action if it is still in this stage the specified number of days since the start.

Advance to the next stage when...

Ticket and Exception

Automatically advance to the next stage when any, all, or a specified percentage of stakeholders have performed the specified action.