Incident E-mail Templates

The following variables are available to designers of this type of email template:

Variable Description
email The email object gives the designer access to the setSubject method, which takes a string that can include other variables.
userName The recipient of the email, usually a stakeholder in the current workflow.
workItemName The name of the workItem, either an incident or another kind of item.
stageName The name of the current workflow stage.
incidentName The name of the incident (Incident closed template only).
incidentTypeName The name of incident type.
incidentSubTypeName The name of incident subtype.
incidentId The identifier of the incident (Incident closed template only).
incidentDetected The string of the date and time that the incident was detected (Incident closed template only).
incidentStatus The current status of the incident (Incident closed template only).
commentOwnerName The name of the user transitioning the workflow stage.