Add a Tag to a Group

Tags allow you to run reports on group content assessments. That is, tagging a group refers to the group's controls and related risks. Tags allow you to gather information using questionnaires, run automatic checks, execute policy awareness campaigns, and so on.

When a user owns the permission to create a group, that user automatically has the access to add, update, or delete a tag associated with a group.

To tag a group: 

  1. Click the Content menu > Controls and Questionnaires

  2. Select the folder that contains the group you want to tag. 

  3. Select the group folder.

  4. Click More Actions > Details.

  5. Click the Tags tab. 

  6. Click New.

  7. Perform one or both of the following actions: 

    • Select the tag category or create a new one.

    • Select a tag or create a new one.

  8. Click OK.