Group Computer And Network Devices

The following table describes the group-by for Computer and Network Device type entities:

 Group by Parameter Creates a group for each unique parameter

ComputerSystem Address


Creates a group for each unique building name.


Creates a group for each unique city name.


Creates a group for each unique country name.


Creates a group for each unique location name.

Postal Code

Creates a group for each unique Zip/Postal code.


Creates a group for each unique Region.


Creates a group for each unique State.

ComputerSystem Application

Application Name

Creates a group for each unique System Details > Application > Application name attribute.

Note: When multiple applications are installed, the system appears in multiple groups.


Creates a group for each unique System Details > Application > Publisher Name attribute.



Creates a group for each unique System Details > Application > Version Number attribute.

ComputerSystem By Date

Installation Date

Creates a group for each unique System Details > Application > Version Number attribute.


Creates a group for each unique month and year of the General > Maintenance > Installation date.


Creates a group for each unique week and year, where the first day of the week is the previous Monday, of the general > Maintenance > Installation Date.


Creates a group for each unique date of the General > Maintenance > Installation date.

ComputerSystem Classification

Availability Impact

Confidentiality Impact


Creates a group for High, Medium, and Low, or VH, H, M, L, and VL, depending on your Entity Configuration settings for criticality ratings. Groups entities by their business criticality score.

Integrity Impact

ComputerSystem Description


Creates a group for each unique Description > Identification > Domain Name attribute.

Note: The System Details > Network Domain Name field is the same attribute.

Host Name

Creates a group for each unique System Details > Network Domain Name attribute.

Installation Date

Creates a group for each unique General > Maintenance > Installation date.

Inventory Tag


Creates a group for each unique General > Information > Manufacturer attribute.

Note: The General > Information > Manufacturer and Description > Physical Description Manufacturer field are the same.


Creates a group for each unique General > Information > Subtype.

Note: Computer and Network Device entity types are grouped together unless you set a filter.

ComputerSystem Network


Creates a group for each unique subnet range. The subnet range is automatically calculated from the address settings in the System Details > Network > Network Interface Card dialog.

Note: Overlapping ranges are grouped separately.

Subnet Mask

Creates a group for each unique subnet mask of the System Details > Network > Network Interface Card > Subnet Mask.

ComputerSystem OperatingSystem

OS Name

Creates a group for each unique System Details > Operating System > Name attribute.

OS Version

Creates a group for each unique System Details > Operating System > Version attribute.

Note: Some connector discovered computers have the version number in the OS name field.

OS Version Name

Creates a group for each unique System Details > Operating System > Version Name attribute.

ComputerSystem Vulnerability

CVSS Score

Creates a group for each vulnerability CVSS score of vulnerabilities assigned to computer and device entities.

Note: Use a filter to match only entities with vulnerabilities, such as an entity filter with the Vulnerability Name Not Null condition. Otherwise, the unknown group includes both entities without vulnerabilities and entities with vulnerabilities that do not have the CVSS score set.

CVSS Vector


Creates a group for each unique vulnerability description. See Vulnerability > Vulnerability List > Vulnerability Details > General > Vulnerability.



Creates a group for each severity level.


Creates a group for each vulnerability author or source.


Creates a group for each vulnerability type.