Perform Entity Actions

Entities can be managed using the actions in the Entities and Entity Collection grids. Entity actions are visible only if you have Entity View and Entity Manage permissions. These actions provide a convenient way to update all of entities in a dynamic group. Multiple entity attributes can be updated simultaneously, and entities can excluded or included from participating in assessments.

The following table lists different the available actions and their purpose:

 Action Description
Manage EntitiesEntities imported into RiskVision must be managed before you can include them in assessments.
Unmanage EntitiesExcludes entities from participating in assessments.
Add Operating System to EntitiesAdds operating system information to entities. Use the Choose Operating System dialog to search and select the operating system. For information about how to add the operating system to entities, see Operating Systems.
Remove Operating System from EntitiesRemoves operating system information from entities.
Add Application to EntitiesAdds application(s) to entities. Use the Choose Applications dialog to search and select the applications. For information about how to add the application to entities, see Applications.
Remove Application from EntitiesRemoves application(s) from entities.
Copy EntityCreates a copy of an entity into the selected assessment. While copying choose whether to copy an entity's attributes. Or use this action to copy an entity's data to other entities.
Batch Edit EntitiesSelect multiple entities to update common attributes simultaneously.
Save as CSVExport entities out of RiskVision in Excel format.
Show Relationship GraphDisplay a graph showing the relationship between the selected entities.
Run Contextual ReportView a contextual report of the selected entities.

The Export Entities option is configurable. If you have a lot entities, you can choose to turn off the Export Entities option by modifying the ui.asset.grid.export.enableproperty.

If  ui.asset.grid.export.enable = True, Export Entities will appear in the More Actions dropdown.

If  grid.csvexport.all = True,  users will be able to export entities to CSV files.